EFFECTIVE 06/10/2024
It disappoints us to announce that after 8 years, we will no longer be offering free FFL transfers. This decision was made after months of deliberation and considering all facets to this service. We have tried our very best to keep this service free indefinitely, but it has gotten to the point where we could simply no longer. In summary, this decision was made for two primary reasons.
1. The sheer number of transfers has increased to the point where we currently have a staff member here almost full time dealing exclusively with transfers
2. The amount of customers taking advantage of this service has skyrocketed over the last 2 years. In years prior, 80-90% of online transfers were customers who attempted to support our business by first attempting to purchase through us prior to their online dealings. The majority were patient with the intake/acquisition process, and would from time to time spend money in the store. In recent years, this majority has converted to commercial sellers monetizing our free service, customers making dozens (and in some cases over 100) of purchases without any attempt to allow us to earn their business, customers showing up minutes after tracking notifications demanding service on their time, and general rudeness and entitlement.
Effective June 10, 2024 FFL transfers will incur a $25 fee for the first 4473 with three serialized items, and an addition $10 for any amount of serialized items beyond three. NFA Transfers (excluding SilencerShop purchased items), and Face-to-Face transfers will be the same $25.
Thank you all for your understanding, and we apologize to those who all of this never applied to and have been extraordinary supporters of our brand and mission.
-Don't be a dick
-For items you are purchasing online, when applicable, we appreciate the opportunity to earn your business. This inquiry is best made by sending a link to us via email info@northeastmunitions.com of what you are looking to purchase and requesting pricing and availability on this particular item. If we can match or beat the price, we certainly prefer you shop with us. However, we do understand there are many instances in which you may be compelled to shop online such as a limited time window, its a pre-owned item, an exclusive, some type of financing deal etc etc.
-Our FFL & SOT is on this page. You can't miss it. This should be all you need to send your seller to complete the transaction. In the event they need more from us, or want it sent directly from us, please just email us- info@northeastmunitions.com
-If you think your transfer may be time consuming, I.E you purchased a collection, made a large purchase or have some obscure trade deal, please inform us ahead of time with the details.
-Wait for a call- This is a big one. We don't care what miraculous reason you have that coincidentally landed you "in the area" at the exact time Fedex delivered. On any given day we may receive hundreds of packages. Yes, we know yours is the most important. But please do not just show up when it shows your tracking number has been delivered. We have a process we must follow and this will likely only result in you needing to make a second trip and overall slowing the process down. We typically get every transfer processed within 24 hours of receiving it, and do our best to get them done as fast as we can. Often times we even stay into the late hours of the night to process transfers for you guys. In the event you haven't heard from us in 24 hours, just call us. It is all too common that the seller gives us a bad phone number or doesn't include contact information.